This is the first test mail order DNA test I took. In the United States, it’s the most popular one; an estimated 15 million people have taken this test. Most people who use this test or this site do so to help reconstruct family trees, fill in some missing pieces, and obtain documents of public record that show when their ancestors first arrived, were born, married, etc
I don’t recall how I first came across GED Match, but I do know it came from a Google search aimed at finding out if I and another person shared maternal or paternal DNA. In reality, this site is more powerful than that. It allows you to upload the raw data from nearly all mail order DNA sites, and it processes and extracts additional insights, including a breakdown of all 23 of your chromosomes. GED Match is a site you get to when you’re doing some serious digging, not if you’re just exploring for curiosity’s sake. This is where I discovered the second of my biological half siblings
I’ve actually never taken this test, but two of my biological half siblings have. One of them also uploaded his information to GED Match, which is how I discovered him – had I not done so, I may still not know that he, or another of my biological half sisters, was even out there. 23 and Me is perhaps the other most popular mail order DNA kit in the United States, though users for this one are often looking to learn more about the unique traits that define their own DNA. Instead of reconstructing family trees, 23 & Me is unique in its ability to pinpoint the looks, behaviors and health indicators that are told by your DNA.